ICCA GM, Brett Jardine |
Consumers thrive on making a purchasethat offers great value.The words ‘cruising’ and ‘great value’ gohand in hand but it is important to note thatvalue does not come down to price alone.
For some, a large ship experience at alower price point is good value, for others asmall ship cruise experience at a higherprice point is good value.
How do you determine where your clientfits – QUALIFY them!Small ship “cruise passengers” tend todream of visiting more off the beaten trackdestinations and look for a fulfillingexperience at such places.
How many clients have you offered acruise holiday to, only to be told “no thanks,a cruise is not for me”?I’ll bet most of these people only considera cruise to be a large ship with thousands ofpeople and really have no idea of (a) what alarge ship experience really can offer or (b)that there are other possibilities such as asmall ship experience that will in fact meettheir holiday expectations in every respect.In many areas small ship cruising providesa very different experience from whatclients expect of a cruise holiday.
A few of the following points may helpyou to define such an experience withclients in the future.Smaller more intimate ships; focus on thedestination rather than the ship; potentiallyflexible itineraries; fewer but like-mindedpassengers; more personal experience(with other guests and crew); usuallyinformal (morelikely casual ratherthan glamour) andin most casessingle open seatdining.
I’m sure you canfind plenty ofclients that will seesome value in anoption like this!
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